Alan holds an LLB (Hons) from the University of Glasgow, Scotland and he has lived and worked in the Cayman Islands since April 1988. He was a member of the Law Society of Scotland and he is a member of the Cayman Islands Legal Practitioners Association.
Alan is a director of Circumference Holdings Ltd (CHL), the holding company of the Circumference Group. He is also a director of Circumference FS (Cayman) Ltd (CFS) the main operating entity of the Circumference Group in the Cayman Islands.
At holding company level and with his fellow directors Alan identifies opportunities for the Circumference Group to expand through its acquisition strategy. At operating company level Alan fills a number of roles including:
Additionally, Alan is an attorney-at-law admitted to practice in the Cayman Islands in 1988. He was formerly a senior partner of Walkers and he is currently the managing partner of Circumference Legal (formerly known as Turners), the legal arm of the Circumference Group, an independent law firm in the Cayman Islands and a Notary Public.